What’s on in the 5D WORLD?




  • AND MORE :)

Energy updates and important information for Lightworkers & Star Seeds

  • karmic liberation

    The End of An Era

    In astrology, Pluto plays a pivotal role in shaping personality and the way people approach life. Each position of Pluto in the signs of the Zodiac reveals unique aspects of each individual's psychology and challenges that will help them to bring to a clousure old karmic lessons that we still carry unresolved from PAST LIVES .

  • 144-2024 THE KUMARA CALL

    THE HERE AND NOW IS YOUR KEY ! The last three months everything has shifted. That things that seemed unattainable only a couple of years ago have manifested very rapidly that many of us still haven’t had the time to stop and appreciate the incoming flow of abundance taking place right now..

  • coronal hole

    DNA Activation

    A twin stream of solar wind flowing from these coronal holes should reach Earth soon! The incoming X-Ray Solar Flares will gradually intensify the activation of the 12 Layers of the DNA from 2012 to 2048

  • The Orion War

    The time has come for us human beings to heal the oldest wound we were born with. During the next 3 years from 2022 to 2026, the 144.000 lightworkers incarnated on Earth with the mission of triggering ascension in the collective consciousness will be fully focused on working in their individual Akashic Records to heal the deepest wound that has been preventing for thousand of years the human being to awake fully their cosmic DNA.

  • Mr Doyle says the lights were invisible to the naked eye.(Supplied: Colm Doyle)

    Massive Eruption of Solar Plasma

    The Solar Flare unleashed a coronal mass ejection that will travel 1 million mph towards Earth in February 2023 and it will be felt by Lightworkers and Starseeds as a burst of incoming energy dissolving old blockages in our chakras by removing fears from the spinal cord.

  • Astral Cities

    The Astral Cities are currently calling the light workers to visit them in the physical places on Earth where these parallel worlds are anchored on GAIA, we call them Sacred Lands, and Star Seeds are required to travel and spend time there in order to activate light codes in their DNA to activate the memories and wisdom from the planets they inhabited before they were born and humans star seeds on Earth. The Astral Cities not only call us to move around the world in the physical plane but also to expand the consciousness to the 5D, 6D and 7D to access them in Spirit.

  • Day out of Time

    This creative window of time opens the 22nd of July and goes for almost one month to the 22nd of August approximatly. It's a time to connect with our inner wisdom, with the Creativity of Hunab Ku within. It is the time when the veil gets very thin!

  • DNA Awakening: Neuroplasticity

    Neuroplasticity is a sequence of MIRACLES happening in your own brain that can treat ilness, heal health disorders, correct unhealthy habits, lower our risk of dementia, prevent the activation of adverse genetic conditions and specially help you discover within the true essence of joy and peace.

  • 7*7*7 Portal: Integration of the Cosmic Christ

    The activation of the 5D Twin Flame represents a spiritual journey of profound transformation and unity. The twinflame journey is all about ascending our human vehicles to 5D in order to Co-create a NEW TIMELINE of Joyful LIFE, LOVE and SERVICE on Earth. This Journey Involves important changes we need to go throughout the process of activating the KA template.

  • Solar Eclipse

    On April 30th will occur the first eclipse of 2022, this partial solar eclipse occurs with the Sun and Moon conjunct Uranus in the sign of Taurus and it will be visible from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile parts of Antarctica, parts of Bolivia and Peru and over the Pacific Ocean. The days before and after the cosmic event Star Seeds and Grid Keepers will feel this strong energy.

  • Planetary Node

    The planetary node located underneath the pyramids of Giza are aligned to the Portal of Orion's Belt, being the Great Pyramid of Cheops the materialization of the Mintaka star, considered the Axis between Time and Space. Nodes are like joints, clusters of energy. They accumulate information from the different song lines of Earth, forming a "Portal" that opens the information to all dimensions. In Australia the planetary node can be found in the Pilbara region of WA.

  • Solar Disk Activation

    The Lemurian Solar Disks in south America hold the frequency of the Cities of Light located all around the globe that serve as outposts for many higher dimensional Beings of Light from other star systems. Lake Titicaca is the headquarters of the Intergalactic Federation. The activation of the light codes in South America has triggered the healing of our Past Lives in Atlantis and Egypt.



On this page, my BELOVED Master Dr. WEISS shares valuable insights and information in exclusive articles, videos, and interviews recorded live at Omega Institute.

I have learned powerful hypnotherapy techniques for Past Life Regression Therapy from Brian Weiss back in 2018. I will be forever grateful for his teachings and the enlightening books he wrote about his experience in the early 80’s as a Past Life Regression Therapist in Miami, USA.

The first book I discovered talking about soul-mate love was “Lazos de Amor” and it was written by him, I found it in 2009 in a second hand book shop and it convinced me that I should get training myself to learn how to conduct the same in order to continue my spiritual research.