A New Beginning Awaits
The New Atlantis
What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.
5D NEWS 〰️
An Old Atlantean Timeline is Coming to a Closure…
Let’s first review how a timeline was created.
In first place there is a specific frequency that behaves like “glue”, it “paste” together people, circumstances and places that all resonate with the same energy. The frequency of yours comes from your past life experiences. It was built up in your subtle vehicles with your thoughts and emotions created in the interactions of your soul with other souls on Earth.
First and foremost, there exists a specific frequency that functions like a form of “glue,” binding together people, circumstances, and places that resonate with the same energy. This frequency is shaped by your past life experiences, accumulated over time and imprinted in your subtle bodies through the thoughts, emotions, and interactions of your soul with others on Earth.
These connections are not random; they are the universe’s way of guiding you back to energies that are familiar to your soul. Every relationship, every encounter, can be viewed as a note in the grand symphony of your existence, harmonizing with your essence and reflecting the experiences of your past lives. When you align with this frequency, you naturally attract people and opportunities that resonate with your soul's journey, facilitating growth and enlightenment.
As you move through life, it is important to recognize that your frequency serves as your cosmic signature, a vibrational imprint that echoes the stories of your past. Embrace it. Allow it to guide you toward new experiences, familiar faces, and perhaps even reunions with the souls you have shared past lives with. This is the profound power of your past life experiences—they are not mere history but the living pulse of your present and the guiding light for your future.
This understanding also provides insight into the origins of karmic debts. Your subtle bodies do not cease to exist; they continue evolving through each incarnation. However, with every physical life, they undergo modifications as a result of the energy exchanges between souls in the material world.
A karmic “debt” is created when your frequency diminishes due to an interaction with another living being—not necessarily a human. In the process of attempting to restore the life force lost from this frequency reduction, your soul collaborates with other beings from the same soul group to co-create experiences that facilitate the wisdom necessary to reignite the inner fire of love and restore balance to your vibrational energy.
In order to balance these energies, your spirit draws upon the collective wisdom of your soul group, working in concert with those whose vibrations are aligned with your own. Together, you embark on a transformative journey that turns low-frequency experiences into valuable lessons, rekindling the inner fire of love and increasing your frequency once more. Through these experiences, you will find opportunities to reclaim lost light and even surpass it, cultivating greater harmony and understanding along the way.
These synchronistic events are not mere chance. They represent the universe’s guidance, helping you ascend to a higher frequency. Each connection made, each lesson learned, and every moment of shared joy helps you gradually diminish your karmic debt and elevate your vibrational essence. Every interaction becomes a stepping stone toward greater harmony and a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose. Therefore, embrace the journey with an open heart, learn from the challenges along the way, and remember that each setback is but a step in your dance toward self-realization and enlightenment.
To balance the scales, your spirit draws on the collective wisdom of your soul group, collaborating with fellow beings who resonate at a similar vibe. Together, you embark on a journey that transforms these low-frequency encounters into lessons, igniting that brilliant inner fire of love once more. You'll find yourself navigating experiences that challenge you, helping you regain and even exceed the lost light.
The process of growth often requires multiple encounters with similar situations to gain a broader perspective, expanding consciousness, achieving clarity, and healing the subtle bodies that were affected by past interactions. In these moments, ignorance may have led to a loss of vital energy or a misuse of the creative force inherent in each individual, the creative energy of GOD within each human being.
Meeting once and again to discover together opportunities of COLLECTIVE GROWTH.
Each encounter is like a note in a grand melody, filled with life lessons designed to enrich our souls. These opportunities allow us to develop inner wisdom that transcends the mundane, nudging our thoughts, ideas, and emotions to vibrate at higher frequencies.
Picture this: you step into a moment that serves as a catalyst for growth. It’s not just about you; it’s a ripple effect that elevates those around you, lifting their energy fields too. Each lesson is a stepping stone, encouraging us to expand, learn, and EVOLVE.
In short, a time-line is made by meetings carefully planned before incarnating on Earth, life lessons full of opportunities for developing inner wisdom and cultivating thoughts, ideas and emotions that can lift our soul to raise the frequency of ours and lift other people’s energy field as well.
Each timeline invites us to explore the depths of our cosmic selves, pushing the boundaries of our individual journeys while intertwining with the journeys of others. Every meeting hints at the joys and chaos of life guiding us towards our soul purpose.
Remember, we are all interconnected, and as we raise our own frequency, we help uplift the collective humanity too. The lessons many times come together with soul-contracts and vows that are not always pleasant. But the obstacles that these “spiritual” agreement manifest in one’s lifetime can definitely be a “school” for the soul to learn to use the creative energy within wisely for inner growth and collective wellbeing.
These “spiritual” agreements often come wrapped in challenges that could make even the strongest among us raise an eyebrow. But fear not! Each obstacle was carefully planned as a stepping stone, a quirky classroom where your soul could to learn the art of harnessing creative energy within the UNIVERSAL ECONOMY. The key is to surrender to the intelligence of the universe that resides within the heart centre and let go the lesson not longer needed to become responsible of our own human creations, individually but also between two and more (couples, groups, friends, family unit, etc) as a chance to lift your frequency and Co-Create together a better world for us all.