
5D NEWS 〰️


The BIG SHIFT we are witnessing right now in the Collective Akashic Records has begun in January 26th 2008. This coming Equinox and it effect in the Planetary Node here in Dampier, WA it’s link to the teachings of Pluto back then until today. Do you remember that time of your life? Think for a minute in those years 2008, 2009 and 2010. Because that was the END OF AN ERA, not just for you personally but also for humanity collectively. That was the beginning of the END. Pluto moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn in 2008, after 2 decades of making us all, for the first time since LEMURIA, to think community globally with the new PUBLIC INTERNET and MOBILE PHONES emerging worldwide in every single country and social class, mainly in the first decade of the 2000's.

Days of intense PLANETARY ASCENSIONS awaits are you ready for the big rewards coming after all that hard work?

In astrology, Pluto plays a pivotal role in shaping personality and the way people approach life. Each position of Pluto in the signs of the Zodiac reveals unique aspects of each individual's psychology and challenges that will help them to bring to a cloure old karmic lessons that we still carry unresolved from Past Lives . A massive Planetary Karmic Release is taking place right now in the Akashic Records we will be transiting the final assesments in the next 2 months, by November you will see with more clarity what was the change you have been through in the last 20 years of Pluto in Capricorn ☆

And that new way of thinking GLOBALLY, you have expanded your world further beyond the borders of your home country. Then later, in Capricorn from 2008 to 2024 it'd made us question the OLD BELIEF SYSTEM built by you and I in the many memories of our PAST LIVES. This is why the last 14 years were a huge chance for CLEARING the old karma that was very heavy on your shoulders, limiting your identity making you believe you were separated from others because of your race, language, social class, age and territory. These beliefs created in PAST LIVES, held by before strong institutions needed to be brought to surface and recreated in the present for you to expand your consciousness and identify your personal prejudices. All that blockages needed to be cleared before PLUTO continues transit to AQUARIUS in NOVEMBER. Since the NEW EARTH cannot be founded on beliefs of separation but on the contrary, over the foundations of a GLOBAL FAMILY OF EARTH.

This is why the last few years you probably were triggered by painful emotions around DIVORSE, ABORTION, SEXUAL TRAUMA, INTER RACIAL MARRIAGE, MIGRATION and other emotions related to the REAL MEANING OF A FAMILY. Because all the corruption around family bonds needed to be cleared to give way to a new concept of LOVE that will emerge in the next 20ys as the fruit of all that clearing done by each of you in your personal universes. I know you see war in TV, I know you hear politicians blaming migration for their own economic disaster, I know you experience grief when hearing your friends questioning if there are or not feelings in a living being… I feel you. But let me tell you that is all the last remanent of karmic ties coming to surface in need to be seen, heard, felt and finally healed and integrated. The world is about to split in two and you with your energy now can chose in what Earth you want to be. It will be all about frequency from November 11th. This is not advise but a confirmation of what you already know deep in your heart. And so it is.

Astrology can be a powerful tool for us to understand how the personal and collective Akashic Records could evolve through the life experiences planned for us in Earth.

Now, like I told you in a previous post, Pluto just returned to Capricorn and it will stay there until November 20th to test you giving you the opportunity to prove that you have learnes the lessons imparted by this planet transiting Capricorn in the last 20 years (2004 to 2024).

Before it move to Aquarius to stay another 20 years teaching us from there, see in what house you were experiencing Pluto in Capricorn and reflect on the lessons and challenges experieced in the last two decades getting you prepared for the coming "test" in September, Octuber and November this year...

  • If Pluto has been transiting your House 1, the test should now have to do with BEING AUTHENTIC.

  • House 2: the test will have to do with your ability to MAKE MONEY or buy things you need to survive in this world (definetly different to what your were told by your parents!).

  • House 3: the test has to do with your EDUCATION.

  • House 4: the test will be related to your ROOTS.

  • House 5: the test have to with the way you PARENT YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILDREN (definitely different to the way your parents did!)

  • House 6: the test will come with how much you are willing to WORK on your self (to be healthy) or your projects (to be succesful).

  • House 7: the test has to do with COMMITMENT and the boundaries of it in any relationship (including your career or business).

  • House 8: the test will come to prove if you are capable to bring to life your projects and manage to BALANCE it with all other aspects of your life including your finances and friends.


  • If it was the House 10, the test will have to do with HOW DO YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD and the COMMUNITY you belong?

  • If it was the House 11, the nature of the test will have to do more with your SPIRIRITUAL BELIEFS AND IF YOU MANAGED TO FIND GOD WITHIN YOURSELF (Maybe you are breaking free from your family's religion or Atheism?)

  • if it was the House 12, it is hard to tell... but the change will take place in your subconscious mind, it changed the last 20 years... now you are a totally new person - like if THE OLD YOU DIED. And now Pluto will test you to see if you have released him/her completely and embrace the NEW YOU.

To check your astral chart go to https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/birth-chart/ and see in what house fell CAPRICORN when you were born.


“Karma means both action and memory. There is no memory without action and no action without memory.”