This is the beginning of your

5D Healing Journey

Soul-Centred Psychotherapy
Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo

Soul-Centred Psychotherapy

Soul Centred Psychotherapy focus on helping you to explore and understand aspects of your soul including your behaviour and personalities and the experiences you lived since you were born as a human. The aim of psychotherapy sessions is to assist their clients to understand how past experiences influence and shape their current responses to life events.

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Past Life Regression
Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo

Past Life Regression

Explore and Heal Your Past Lives

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Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo


Hypnotherapy + Chakra Healing + Reiki Cosmic Consciousness + Pleiadian Healing + Healing with Atlantean Crystals + Healing with Solar Discs + Implant Removal

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Healing your Akashic Records
Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo

Healing your Akashic Records

Exploring the Akashic Records will help you to understand your soul purpose and what past lives are conditioning your present keeping you locked into toxic relationships and old karma.

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  6D Healing  Session Pack
Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo Past Life Therapy and 6D Healing by Flo

6D Healing Session Pack

3 Sessions Pack that includes Past Life Regression Therapy + Akashic Records + 5D Healing - ALL IN ONE

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