The Search is Over…

Here you will find self-healing tools, resources and courses that I will be sharing FOR FREE to everyone every month in SPANISH and ENGLISH!

Aquí encontrarás muchas herramientas, recursos y cursos que estaré compartiendo GRATIS para todos cada mes en ESPAÑOL e INGLÉS!

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Archangel Michael can be a powerful ally when it comes to releasing karmic contracts and vows from past lives.

Click here to access the KEY to embrace the powerful energy of Michael as he lifts the weight off your shoulders, clearing the path for your soul’s true purpose!

Hypno-Healing by Flo 

Hypnosis: A Journey Within

Discover hypnosis, your gateway to the subconscious! Explore your thoughts, reduce stress, change your reality, increase confidence, and boost creativity—all from your mind.

Why Flo? Her12 years as hypnotherapist, is the KEY that unlocks the treasures of past lives, offering delightful experiences exploring the MIND and SPIRITUAL insights!

Dare to embrace hypnosis? It's your ticket to tapping into the extraordinary life waiting for you! Join our fun sessions for personal transformation: Tackle anxiety, fears, and discover strengths on this amazing journey. Prepare to unveil the wondrous and playful essence of who you truly are.

Your mind is ready!

Mindfulness Services.

Now Available Online by Distance Healing or Zoom Call!

  • Past Life Therapy

    Yes, it can be done by Zoom Video Call. You will only need a peaceful space and good internet connection. Headset with microphone is a must! When you make your booking for an online sesh, you will receive automatically a huge discount when booked online. Please get in touch for more info.

  • Past Lives Reading (Akashic Records)

    Enjoy of 2 hours reading to get to know about your past lives and soul purpose. You can make questions regarding Pat Lives to your spirit guides LIVE and ask for the healing needed (relationships - career - health). This is not only a reading but an opportunity to co-create a new timeline where you feel at peace with the world and yourself. This Service is delivered by ZOOM videocall all over the globe online.

  • 5D Healing Pack ( Soul Centered Hypnotherapy )

    This session involves a combination of soul-centred hypnotherapy with energy healing infusing 5D Lightcodes in your subconscious mind (Arcturian lightcodes, Lemurian solar disks and Atlantean crystals of light). These can be purchased in a pack of 3 (monthly sessions) in the HEALING MENU under the category Therapy Packs. This Service is delivered by ZOOM videocall all over the globe online.

  • Hebrew Pendulum & Archangel Michael DETOX

    This sessions work as DISTANCE HEALING, I can work in your energy field at any time when required (I will send you feedback) or you can also book it LIVE by ZOOM. The healing will LIFT YOUR SPIRIT instantaneously and it also work in buildings if you need to change the ambience in your home. It is recommended to do it once every 3 weeks for 2 to 3 Months to see life-changing results.

  • Twinflame Healing

    You can chose between the following:




    All these tools serve different healing modalities and intentions, you can read more about this in my HEALING MENU or simply give me a call to discuss what would be the best for you.

  • Chakra Assesment + Cosmic Christ Reiki Distance Healing

    Do you feel heavy lately? You may need a good cleanse and to recharge your chakras. In this session I will assess your chakras, work on removing entities or any foreign energy producing leaks in your energy field and I will send distance healing to you for 3 weeks. This service is $133.00 and it includes distance healing + channelled messages from the Ascended Masters & Pleiadian Angels related to your healing goals. We don’t need to meet personally, I only need your full name and date of birth. Feedback will be sent by email once a week for 3 weeks time.