Incoming Cosmic Energy

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️


Burst of Cosmic Energy

Last Friday February 17th a huge eruption of charged particles from the sun emitted a strong radiation called “Solar Flare” that travelled toward Earth at a speed of 1 million mph for 3 days until it reached our atmosphere. The intense solar storm lasted for 1 hour and 12 minutes, it followed a series of strong flares and a coronal mass ejection from the sun, including a strong flare that happened on the 11th of February, according to the information given by NASA observatory. The Cosmic Energy incoming our planet during the last 2 weeks created a geomagnetic storm that could be visible in the northern countries and Argentina, Australia and Antarctica as colours bathing the sky in the form of Aurora Boreal and Aurora Australis.

Ascension Symptoms expected during and after the Geomagnetic Storm:

  • Nauseas, Vomits and Dizziness.

  • Hormonal Disorder, Insomnia and Nightmares.


The incoming energy affected the digestive system because it triggered a re-configuration of the Solar Plexus. Which caused the need of lightworkers and starseeds to focus their cosmic consciousness energy on healing the relationship stablished in their early childhood with their parents, in other words, on healing the wounds inherited from the family tree at young age that kept entangled the cords in the Solar Plexus making the person to repeat once and again with other close relationships the same patterns that activate the wound and the defence mechanism that was created by the rational mind in past lives to help them to cope with the emotional pain.

The healing process brought old emotions to surface, making lightworkers and starseeds feel overwhelmed with thoughts and new ideas / perspective about past events, triggering the same pain they felt back then and old fears that they believed gone for good but now becoming aware that emotions were still there, buried in the subconsciousness.

Allowing the healing to take place within us is very important when GAIA gets hit by geomagnetic storms. Otherwise, if we do not pay attention to the inner work needed, these solar flare can be felt as a Quake inside of the chest. If that happen, the symptoms may change from headaches and digestive issues, growing into anxiety episodes and the possibility of developing a sudden panic attack.

Put it in this way: the more you supress your emotions, the stronger the effect will be felt in your physical body of these supressed emotions breaking through your energy field to be seen and heard.

Can you feel the Energy affecting the land?

Earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones and floods can be expected on the same day that the burst of energy enters into the atmosphere of Earth. The level of the energetic movement in the land will depend on the blockages preventing the planetary nodes to flow in harmony around the globe. The “knots” in this case, are manifesting in the collective consciousness, specially the mental and emotional creations in the affected areas. The areas of Earth affected by natural “disasters” during a Solar Storm are actually layers of the human collective consciousness diving into in a deep healing process. The healing benefits shouldn’t be seen straight away, but certainly in the next 7 years the consciousness shift will be notorious in many ways.

Twin Flames who are currently aware of the healing process taking place will commence now a period of vibratory upgrade in their physical chakras. During 2023 the chakras evolving quicker in Twinflames are the Solar Plexus and the Sacral Chakras. After the exposure to the Solar Storm in February you will notice an increase of energy flowing in that part of your subtle bodies and you may notice changes in your physical body too (hormonal changes that affect the whole body system).

After the Storm

It is very likely that you may feel very sleepy and introverted the few days after the Geomagnetic Storm. Be prepared for sleeping several hours in a raw. You may feel physically exhausted too. My advise is to drink a lot of water, avoid sugar if possible. And allow yourself to rest. Don’t push your body too hard the week after the Ascension Symptoms. Your subtle bodies are recovering and your chakras are evolving. It needs extra vital energy than normal. Surrender to the process and be grateful for this opportunity of manifesting together the New Earth.


“The deity that governs an entire solar system, of which the Sun is the outermost manifestation. The pure energy of solar intelligence proceeds from the luminous seat occupied by our Sun in the center of heaven, that pure energy being the Logos of our system.”

— Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna