5D NEWS 〰️
In March 2024 everything has shifted. That things that seemed unattainable only a couple of years ago are now manifesting very rapidly, even when many of us still haven’t had the time to stop and appreciate the incoming flow of abundance taking place this year.
The Kumara Call is asking LIGHTWORKERS to practice GRATITUDE.
This lesson can be a hard one, because involves leaving for good and completely behind the linear thinking that has fuelled your heart and KUNDALINI life force running throughout your veins since very little, it was all about of constantly pursuing a goal, constantly looking far into the future, and even far into the outer space daydreaming about something you want to have, you want to be.
Is this you too? The last two week I’ve paid special attention to the KUMARA CALL to understand its nature, then I heard the following statements many times from many different people! here some examples “the boyfriend I want..” , “the rental I want..”, “the money I want..”, “the job I want..”, “the body I want..”, “the business I want..”, “the country I want..”, “the motherhood I want..”, “ the family I want..”, “the government I want..” and I could continue with many other more! Now that I heard the message from the Kurama Family indicating how important is to leave behind the LINEAR THINKING, I ended up feeling like, it sounded all the same, like if these people talking to me in the sessions and messages (including my friends!) they all say the same thing, just using different words. I don’t judge you if this is you too. Because I was also into the same narrative too for so long, wanting to change things on my body like getting rid of the bloated tummy when I eat certain food, and feeling frustrated and guilty when it didn’t happen, until I was visiting my home country (Argentina, the place you see in the photos) and I realize it was not me, but an egregor.
These are external energies attached to our auric field (they get very comfortable when there are thoughts in your belief system or emotions that resonates with them! specially FEARS implanted in the mind during childhood) making us feel dissatisfied with our present, with the here and now.
And the Kumara Masters said: “The more you focus in the distant future, the faster the time will slip through your fingers like if tomorrow is now.”
This is when I realized that the here and now is precious. And this is why I always remind you when you come to the sessions, that the power resides in the now, and for this reason the healing journey should always bring you here fully, to your present.