DNA Activation

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️



A twin stream of solar wind flowing from these coronal holes should reach Earth on Jan. 30th, it means that the following days there will be an increase of plasma in the atmosphere. A solar flare is an explosion on the Sun that happens when energy stored in twisted magnetic fields (usually above sunspots) is suddenly released. Solar flares are huge explosions of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. And if you are a lightworker you will feel it coming before anyone else. Simply because lightworkers have their heart centre open to let the light flow from it, because they aim to be beacons of light, they can consciously communicate with all the elements - of course not in english or spanish but through love and compassion they are aware of the needs of all the living being that share life with. - this is why lightworkers can receive the activations coming from the sun for later upload it to the collective planetary grid.

Cosmic rays are a "down to Earth" form of space weather that can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere of Planet Earth They originate from the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. The sun's increasingly tangled magnetic field repels cosmic rays. The two effects blend together bringing radiation levels down.

The result of it in your bodies includes several physical symptoms that involve spewing all the emotional “waste” your EGO accumulated during thousand of years under control of fear. The CMEs hitting Earth cause the transmutation of radioactive materials deep in the ground of our planet. It triggers a symbiotic relationship between the breakdown of our emotional body through Karma and the breakdown of radioactive elements via transmutation.t speed up the emotional cleanse needed for Humans to ascend to 5D being pushed to release the old programming of fear held by radiation.Due to the increase of Solar Energy into Earth, the old implants that were fuelled by radiation (uranium + cosmic rays) will commence to deactivate


In the coming years, the intensifying X-Ray Solar Flares are expected to activate the 12 layers of DNA, bringing forth a profound shift in consciousness from 2012 to 2048. While this may seem daunting, there is a silver lining to this cosmic upheaval—the promise of a new order emerging after the crisis subsides.

Navigating the Solar Flares and Embracing Inner Transformation
Amidst this period of transformation, it's crucial to embrace patience and resilience. The journey ahead may resemble a rollercoaster ride, evoking fear and a sense of losing control. However, it's vital to remember that this is the Eclipse effect—a temporary phase characterized by uncertainty and discomfort. By June, the fog will begin to lift, offering a clearer vision of the future.
For light workers and star-seeds, navigating this phase involves walking in darkness with metaphorical blind eyes. It's an opportunity to cultivate inner vision, transcending the limitations of the mind and perceiving with the heart's eyes. The upcoming Eclipse in April holds potential for connecting with the nurturing energy of the divine feminine, fostering a deep sense of abundance within.

As you traverse this transformative journey, you'll unravel the innate ability to effortlessly attract what you need, safeguarding and elevating this sacred energy within yourself.
The path to embracing the new self has commenced, characterized by a profound inner metamorphosis. As the solar flares catalyze this process, it's essential to surrender to the unfolding magic, allowing the energy to ascend from the root to the heart, fostering an internal alchemy that paves the way for a renewed existence.


““How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”.

— Wayne Dyer