About Us

Hola Familia de Luz, this is Flo.

I am the 5D Healing Universe Creator and Founder in Australia and Argentina, currently based in the beautiful Perth, although I was born in the other side of the ocean, in my beloved Buenos Aires.

My story begins when I was little, since I could not perceive what was the difference between the physical dimension and the spiritual realm, due to my close relationship with my spirit guides, extra-terrestrials friends and Twin-Flame - they used to visit me regularly and teach me things.

In primary school I began to receive messages from Master Jesus and Mother Mary, I used to see them all the time with me as friends, now they also assist me in the channelling sessions.

I also saw lights in the sky many times, which when I was growing up it made me feel nostalgic, since I had memories of past lives from other planets before Earth.

Back then I couldn’t understand how I ended up here in a lovely family that I’ve never felt truly connected to, I guess that was the main reason of why I was always curious about reincarnation and life in other planets so I decided to begin my own personal search.

I could say I communicate with the Pleiadean from a very young age, but not fully aware of it until I was ready to emotionally process the link between them and myself.

Here you will catch me channelling courses and messages for those who come in need of guidance, seeking spiritual advice and information on how the universe works beyond the 3D.

Thus, along to many other cool things I’ve studied and I do for work - I’ve a bachelor degree in Communication Sciences, an Advance Diploma in Digital Cinema and other certificates in fields related to media and sociology - you will surely find me helping my peers to remember their own past lives, specially if they identify as Star-Seeds or Twinflame.

In a nutshell, back in the 90’s the spiritual people would call people like us [ Rodri my partner and I ] INDIGO, CRYSTAL and RAINBOW CHILDS.

If you resonate, you are welcome to get in touch with us…




Awakening my GIFTS: The Journey

My connection with the Spiritual World was a normal thing for me. And because I wanted to share all about the 5D Universe and the New Earth to everybody, I decided that I wanted to become a Film Maker. So after school I went to uni to study Communications Sciences, to specialize in Films and TV Production. I worked in the media industry for 7 years in my twenties until when I felt I had enough of the corporate world and finally made the decision to "come out from the closet" and commence teaching everything I could remember from my own past lives and conversations with the masters to the many star-seeds awakening in 2011, as many of them were receiving the call to assist in the ascension process of humanity. The last 20 years I've learned from Quantum Healing to channelling Solar Disks, Arcturian Healing and other Metaphysics, different Reiki Techniques, Astrology, Akashic Records and more. In 2016 I became certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy which allowed me to help many people from all around the globe to become empowered and transcend the old limiting belief system to embrace their own wisdom and inner strength. My two business at the moment are 5D Healing & 5D Creative, both based here in Australia, my Lemurian Home. :)




Why I was born in South America?

Argentina is a young country, only 200ys old. Therefore the energy there is pretty raw and the indigenous people has kept the wisdom from Lemurian time nearly untouched. The connection with pacha mama is still very strong and the third eye of planet Earth is located very close, in Tiki-Kaka Lake.


Buenos Aires, Argentina

"Life is a journey, not a destination.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why Perth, Australia?

The aboriginal people of Australia are the ancient keepers of the Lemurian knowledge and the Pleiadian origin of the Human DNA. My guides told me to move here in November 2011.

Begin your 5D Healing Journey Today :)