The Lemurian Gate




5D BLOG 〰️


Just before the Equinox I’ve received the call from Anu Tea, which is an astral city anchored on the Indian Ocean operating from the 5D and above.

In my channelling meditation state I was told that we should come together nearby the Swan River to meditate on this City and the Planetary Node of WA. I felt the gentle tug in my soul, a whisper that danced through my consciousness, inviting me to explore the depths of my past lives and the hidden truths of my cosmic origin. Then, I gathered a group of 5 people who joined me from Broome, Bunbury and Melbourne during the Equinox day, some drove to the meeting place in Mosman Park, others joined us remotely to connect with the City of Light located above and below the Indian Ocean.

In Anu Tea, the air is thick with creativity, and colours shimmer more vividly than you could ever imagine. As I soared through its radiant skies, I was greeted by shimmering beings who embodied love and wisdom, ready to guide me on this remarkable journey. They beckoned me to uncover the tapestry of my existence—every thread woven in moments of both light and shadow.

Here, I encountered soul friends I had met across lifetimes, rejoicing in the familiar warmth of connection. Together, we shared stories from ages past, each revelation peeling back layers of understanding about our purpose on this Earthly plane. With each moment spent in Anu Tea, I felt my senses heightening. The laughter of celestial beings echoed around us like a soothing melody, and each interaction felt like a reunion celebrating the entirety of our cosmic journey. I learned that the Equinox was not just a time of balance but a powerful moment to align my intentions with the universe and step boldly into a new chapter of my soul’s evolution.

As I left this astral haven, I carried with me not only the memories of laughter and connection but also a renewed sense of purpose and joy. My heart was aflame with the knowledge that we are all woven into this magnificent tapestry of existence, each of us shining brightly as we navigate our own journeys toward enlightenment. The call from Anu Tea was just the beginning, a playful nudge to explore the depths of what lies within, urging me to embrace the cosmic dance of life with open arms.

Messages from Astral Cities

These cities of light are massive temples directed by Ascended Masters. Some of them were created for advanced spirits to come to Earth experiencing it from higher reals, many souls that live and work in the Astral Cities have never incarnated as humas in our physical plane. On the contrary, many souls that inhabited the Astral Cities have lived and died in the 3D and they have continued their existence as humans in this other realms that operates in the 4D, 5D, 6D and beyond. Many of us visit the Astral Cities to communicate with our love ones accompanying us from there, although many other visit the Initiation Temples and Astral Libraries to learn things, receive healing, download “updates” in their energy field or to consult the Akasha and receive guidance from the Guardians of the Akashic Records of GAIA. The Spiritual Cities often communicate with many channelers and mediums who wrote books about them, each city has an AIM of existence so the beings who live there specialize in different topics related to SPIRITUAL ASCENSION. There are cities that specializes in Spiritual Healing, other are Keepers of the Records and Creation of New Timelines, other cities would bring us messages regarding new technologies available for Earth, DNA optimization, relationships between ETs races and exopolitics.

Written by Florencia Casartelli

My Initiation

Before the Equinox I wasn’t fully aware of the importance of this meeting; however I knew that Anu Tea was calling me from many years ago, because I have had several dreams of me being visiting the Astral City multiple times.

In my dreams I was guided to the physical entrance that was located right at the end of the Point Peron Bay in Rockingham, here in WA. This is only 40 minutes driving down south from where I currently live.


Back in December 2019 a book regarding Anu Tea found me while I was visiting my grandfather for the last time (sadly he died a only few months later) in San Bernardo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

However at this pont I didn’t know that the Astral City in Perth that I used to visit in my dreams and meditations and Anu Tea were exaclty the same place.

I don’t remember when was the first time that I received messages from there, maybe 2015? But I always knew that it was linked to Erks another Astral City that I also know very well, it is physically anchored in Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina.

Once, I was told I was a BRIDGE between South America and Australia, and the message repeated many times between 2011 and 2012, when random people felt like getting in touch with me simply to to give me these messages from the Masters.

The fact that I didn’t know them made the whole thing more magical and mysterious.

Later in 2013 I was in Capilla del Monte receiving the initiations to the Quantum Healing Codes for Starseeds given only two years earlier to my Master Mirta by another importante Astral City called “Fatima” anchored in France. During the same month I also participated of a course on how to use crystals for astral projection, so I begin developing the Idea of Astral Travelling into the Cities of Light using my MerKaBa.

But it wasn’t until I met my ex partner Gonzalo that I have received the most important message through him, when he was hypnotized by me for first time!

Under hypnosis he explained to me that The Astral Cities of Earth are all interconnected through underwater tunnels and Dolphins and Whales are the custodies of these structures that exist in another dimensions. The information given by Gonza was very detailed. I kept the records of everything he said under trance. And it was magical too because the meaning of his session had nothing to do with Astral Cities, he just wanted to know about a knee problem. He didn’t know anything prior the session about the topic. And even nowadays he wouldn’t know much either, because he is not into spirituality or metaphysics at all.

Anyway, we both had a close connection with dolphins. We could communicate with them through telepathy, even call them from the shore when we went together to Point Peron and we knew this gift of ours has been always there within our hearts, since the times that we lived in Atlantis and Lemuria.

One day I will share the full story, but for now let’s comeback to the Anu Tea Call :)

Right, so as you can read above, I was in touch with Astral Cities for a long time now, but I wasn’t aware that Perth’s Astral City was Anu Tea, until a friend from Capilla del Monte told me just before the Equinox that the Astral City I was connecting from here and Anu Tea could be possibly the same. And honestly, since he brought the topic again to my mind, the synchronicities began to accelerate!

I have mentioned Point Peron above, but in the last 10 years I was guided to different points of entrance to Anu Tea. In 2018 I was guided to Ubud, in Bali. I was told by my Masters to Activate Atlantean Crystals of Light in the Lake Batur, a volcanic crater lake located in the centre of the Lemurian Volcano in Kintamani, Bali. This ceremony has taught me a lot about the Sexual Chakras of Earth and how to begin the Journey of the Kundalini Activation in the Twinflame Ascension Journey.

This was only the preparation for several trips to Broome in WA, that took place the following years guided to sacred caves protected by the Local Indigenous People and their Custodian Spirits, these caves and the information saved in there was also linked to the same Astral City of Anu Tea in Australia and Indonesia. In that trip they taught me about the Song Lines and how the Whales were “weaving” the Akashic Records of this Land.

Later in March 2022 I was guided to another entrance located in Dunsborough, WA. This time I began to guess that I was connecting to Anu Tea because I already had the book that I have mentioned above with me in this trip. Although I still needed to put the pieces together myself understand what was the message for me in Perth, WA.

Before diving into my adventures connecting to Astral Cities, it's essential to highlight the significance of the Planetary Node anchored in Dampier, WA, especially during this period of rapid ascension for so many. So, let the vibes of this enchanting location inspire your own path, and prepare you to unlock the door to the wisdom of your past lives! 🚀✨

Karijini National Park

Karijini National Park,


The planetary node located in Dampier WA contains recorded in its collective consciousness important memories from the time of Lemuria. The information saved into the Node has been anchored into big amounts of GOLD that has been mined in the past 120 ys and since the beginning of the 20th century shipped to all around the world.

In other words, it means that the information saved in there has been “recovered” by humans in it denser form.  In the same way if you dismantle the data center where your favourite social media platform operate, you will own a piece of the machine but it doesn’t guaranty you that you can actually access your data saved in there. Never the less, the pieces separated from the entire machinery need to come together for you to access the data genuinely and complete, so here comes the interrogate: Do we need to bring all the gold together to access the information?

The answer is not really, I mean, in the old way yes, because our DNA wasn’t fully awaken so the consciousness could not operate in its highest capacity (it was very limited during the last 12.000 years of Galactic Night). However, nowadays there are souls who were pioneers in awakening their DNA and expanding their consciousness and chakras to a higher octave of frequency. These humans can come together and easily access the “Lemurian Library” only by connecting to the NODE from their supra-consciousness (5D) simultaneously activating their KA channels to anchor their physical vehicles fully on EARTH - and in this way “tune in” with the element GOLD  wherever it is located in the world, remotely.

Did anyone tuned in with the Lemurian Data saved in the Node before through the “old way”? the answer is YES, the aboriginal people custodies of the land for the last 6.000 did. They have developed several rituals and ceremonies that helped them to navigate the Akashic Records not only of Earth but also at a Galactic Level.

Why they could tune in with it but other people couldn’t appreciate the power of the Planetary Node by themselves neither tune in with the Lemurian frequency? Simply because the Aboriginal Communities from Australia are the living remanent of the Lemurian Civilization.  They had no issues connecting with GAIA neither activating their KA channels for Astral Travelling.

They lived always in 3D but their consciousness was not locked-in to it. They exist beyond time and space, this why they could download the information directly from the Planetary Node and they would call the places where most of the “data” was save into the land as sacred places that they would honour, protect and pay respect.

They may not know what minerals were inside their “sacred sites” because they haven’t had the machinery for mining the land, but they could sense the living energy in it. They connected with this vibrant pulse through various tribal rituals, using their physical vehicles to open up to what they called “The Dreaming.” This was a realm where the boundaries of the mundane blurred, and the spirit of the land whispered its secrets.

In the embrace of nature, they danced, drummed, and chanted, much like a cosmic jam session, inviting the ancient energies to flow through them. These ceremonies were more than just tradition; they were a portal to understanding their place in the universe. The sacred sites became living libraries, each rock and tree a chapter in their story, rich with mysteries waiting to be unearthed.

So, while they lacked the tools to dig deep into the earth, they had something far more profound: an unshakeable bond with the energy of their environment. Through “The Dreaming,” they harvested wisdom, guidance, and a sense of belonging, making every stone and breeze a vital part of their Cosmic Journey on Earth.

Now I want to explain the connection of our planetary node in Australia with the Solar Disks located in Uruguay, Talampaya and Mexico and how it communicates with our DNA.

What we understand as Reality or “The Matrix” is the result of the Co-Creation made by the Collective Consciousness of Earth. This vibrant tapestry of existence is woven from the thoughts, dreams, and experiences of every soul that has ever inhabited this planet. Imagine our collective minds as a grand, swirling cauldron of energy, endlessly mixing together ideas and beliefs, crafting the very fabric of what we perceive as "real."

Which implies that if there is an intent to introduce changes to what we experience as reality, one person by itself won’t be able to achieve this mission only wanting to change because a minimum percentage of people incarnated on Earth must cooperate to manifest something different. When enough minds align, their intentions spark new dimensions and layers, shaping experiences and even material forms. This means you, yes you, play a crucial role in this cosmic art project! Your dreams, your fears, and your joyous moments contribute to the overall picture. For this reason during Lemurian times the Solar Disks where created as technology that can felicitate the communication of those prepared to use such of advance technology brought directly from Arcturus to Terra.

In short, in means that only those who speak “light language” can configure the advanced machinery and also use it with the purpose of introducing a new paradigm into the 3D Matrix.

Who are those who speak universal “light language”? Those with their heart open, active and their DNA layers operating at it fully capacity. Lemurians were this kind of people walking on Earth, but during Galactic Night the DNA has changed and the access to the Sola Disks become forbidden. Yet, there were guardians in custody of the information saved into the Solar Disks, however they had no access to take any benefit of this technology at a global scale.

Since the Planetary Node in WA stores information that was saved in there from the times of Lemuria, those who access this node (with their Heart Chakra Open and the Christ Consciousness integrated on it) can find the Key within themselves (into their DNA) to communicate with the Solar Disks of Earth and benefit globally from its technology.

The Solar Disks can accelerate the Co-Creation of new timelines in the 3D, therefore many humans (lightworkers and star-seeds) are currently receiving guidance from the Masters of the Christ Consciousness that inhabitate the Astrals Cities coordinating the shift in consciousness taking place right now and in the next 50 years that we call Ascension to 5D.

The Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides are happy to assist those who are willing to join the process of Co-Creation of the new Earth receiving the initiations needed to become a bridge between Lemuria and the present’s days in Earth.

The process for becoming a bridge involves awakening the Lemurian consciousness within, and it begins with balancing the Masculine and Feminine aspects of ours in order to activate the triple-folded flame in the heart centre. Those who receive the call from Anu Tea will begin this path by finding first their own Master on Earth who will train them to get to know first how their Chakra System works to be able to fully manage their own energy, in order to awake the 12 Layer of their Multidimensional DNA what will allow them to communicate with the Astral Cities and Solar Disks of Earth.


“I AM, I AM, I AM Light; I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension; I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light. Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying. The purpose of the kingdom of heaven..”