Healing your Akashic Records


Why booking a session to read the Akashic Records?

Akashic Records reading can help you identify core beliefs and limitations that cause problems in life. Maybe you have been carrying these blocks from a past life. Akashic Healing provides the highest form of healing vibration (divine energy) that can help clear any past life trauma.

I would like to hear what’s bothering you at the moment or what answers your soul needs in order to make decisions and life choices. Please, bring 3 questions written in your healing journal in order to discuss it with your spiritual guides during the sessions. They may show me past lives of yours and your loved ones that can explain why things happened in the way they did and what are the potential futures available for your soul depending what path you decide to manifest in the here and now.

The session length is 90 minutes, we will work on healing repetitive patterns and to help you to find more clarity about how to accomplish the higher purpose your soul family has brought to Earth in the current time-line.

The Akasha is Not a "Record" of Things.

Your Akasha not a linear representation of history, as you would get in a book. The Akashic record is not about the activities of a Human. It's about the energies and emotions of a Human, and it's not remembered in a linear fashion as pages in a book. Instead, it's all grouped together.

What was it like for you? Did you have short lifetimes or long ones? Where were you on the planet? What were the different cultures, different faces, different languages or different foods? What was it like to be in the wars, to be a warrior and kill others? What was it like to be on the battlefield and be killed? All of you were - all of you. These are energies, not just experiences or activities.

What's it like to be drowned? So many of you were. What is it like to lose your children over and over at birth? What's it like to be ostracized away from anyone else in the village, to live alone and only be kept alive because you have the magic healing that a tribe needs occasionally? Perhaps you have some healing information from Gaia to help heal important people around you? We live so many different experiences, but not all of them need to be remembered at the same time in the present. Yous spirit guides and master will only help you to address those memories that are relevant to your immediate life experience in the present moment, which may help you to understand yourself in order to take the best decisions to accomplish your life mission on Earth.

Your Akasha carries the records of everything - all of it. The information that is in this multidimensional storage space within every single Human listening now is profound with energy from the past. What is profound today is that this energy is changing. In an older energy, the Akashic record would often give you information of difficult remembrances. The answer is that it's a system of free choice. As goes the consciousness of the Human Being goes the consciousness or remembrance of the Akasha. With Human consciousness being what it has been for centuries, you remember dramatic things - things that go bump in the night and things that you don't want to remember. It gives you feelings you can't explain. That's been the way of it until now.

The Lemurian Method>> Energy of What the Akasha Gives You Heals your Present:

From 2011 the lightworkers and star seeds who channel the Akasha agree were given instructions by Kryon about the appropriateness of reframing the Akasha. In your own words, that the Akasha stop remembering the negativity and the drama, and instead start remembering past beauty, past good times and solutions that you got. For some, it would be the remembrance of giving birth - the pride, joy and overwhelming beauty, the benevolence of many things. It's there, since all of you had these things! It's all there. The Ascended Masters told us to command our Akasha to stop with the old energy programs - those "tapes" that continuously play - and instead, give you something you didn't expect - beautiful memories. It changes that residual, negative buzzing in the background.




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