Valentine’s Special

A day to Celebrate LOVE. The date to celebrate YOURSELF

When it comes to a twin-flame relationship, Valentines Day may feel completely different to what we were used to when living in the old paradigm of separateness. In this new mindset, honouring the love you feel for your partner involves being deeply in love of yourself.

What means to “fall in love” for twin-flame?

Being in love is not something that happens suddenly, like people often tend to believe, Basically because the overwhelming feeling of falling “in love” it is not an actual emotion but a state of consciousness that involves a consciousness shift.

In other words,  you can’t do anything to help a person to fall in love of you or to make yourself to fall in love of them if there is not an actual predisposition of the soul to embrace the journey and emotions that love brings along which involves the deeply experiencing PURE JOY.

Can one surrender to JOY only opening the heart?

Before you decide if you ever been in love you should know that to be able to enjoy anything in this world, it is a must for humans to open the heart to bring them selves to state of fully awareness, opening the heart will always bring you back to the HERE and NOW.  

Unfortunately, when there is any fear in our energy field, it’s hard to inhabitate our body in the present moment. And if we are anywhere else except of the “NOW” moment, the emotion of JOY and BLISS becomes unreachable. Because the state of consciousness of “Falling In Love” involves surrendering to the feeling of JOY.

The Misterious Twin-flame Dynamic.

In a twin-flame dynamic the couple can feel each other’s emotions and it might confuse them perceiving other’s emotions as their owns. From the ascension perspective this is a positive things, thus that is part of learning to communicate with your peers in the 5D.

Indeed, if you cannot handle feeling the emotions of yourself in another body, imagine communicating simultaneously with all your soul cluster at the same time, all together in the here and now! Overwhelming right?

Welcome to the ascension amigos.

It is an essential part of the process of ascending to learn to be empathetic and compassionate with your soul brothers and sisters. And this task can be very challenging and difficult if you can barely be compassionate with your-self.

So for lightworkers and star-seed who signed up for coming to Earth with the mission of ascending the matter and contributing with their own inner healing work to the massive shift of the collective consciousness, the twinflame dynamic can be a great opportunity to practise unconditional love with yourself.

Because when you experience this deep connection with another human its easier to see them as a mirror of the many parts of you that you cannot identify yet, to discover what your fears are and then unfold what are the limitations in your mind that were created in past timelines of yours that are not allowing yourself to feel the unlimited power of JOY.


There are always reasons that we humans create as strong beliefs to make ourselves to truly think we do not deserve happiness and abundance of all kinds.

Simply learning to love yourself completely, all the aspects of your creations, all the potentials of God manifesting their perfection through you in each of your thoughts and each of your emotions and ideas, this Valentine’s Month can be the doorway to let go the old prejudices, and let all the relationships that you can create in your human experience to be paths to the DIVINE within all of us. To make this Month a time of FAMILY REUNION, BLISS and JOY.

Happy Valentines for all the Family of Light !

Love Yourself deeply by loving Your brothers and Sisters, because at the end, WE ARE ALL ONE.

  • With Love & Light, Flo. 14/02/2023. IG Pastlifetherapy


Twinflame Inner Vision: The Art of Seeing Beyond the Physical World


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