Twinflame Inner Vision: The Art of Seeing Beyond the Physical World

As humans with a DNA disconnected from its original blue print, we are conditioned to rely on our physical senses to understand the world around us. We see, hear, touch, taste, and smell things to make sense of our surroundings. However, there is more to life than what meets the eye. As soon the Twinflame commences its consciousness expansion with the big flows of incoming Energy from Alcyone to our Sun causing multiple geomagnetic storms on Earth, the layers of their Cosmic DNA will get activated again.

The activation itself does not help these Twinflame humans to learn everything about the new Chakras and Vehicles awakening, but the process of developing new senses and spiritual abilities in the 4D and 5D begins. In the journey of getting to know your real self, you understand that the energy patterns that exist beyond the physical realm can reveal a lot about a person's state of being. Developing inner vision involves seeing beyond the physical world and decoding these energy patterns.

The information that we want to decode from the people that we interact with cannot be seen with our physical eyes. They remain invisible because they are energy patterns. It's like seeing a website and wanting to modify it by accessing the coding. The coding will be different from what we see with our physical eyes. Similarly, the patterns of energy creating disease in a person receiving energy healing will look different from what we see in the physical world.

< As Above So Below >

To develop the ability to access inner vision, we need to understand that we won't see things like we see them in the 3D world. We need to let go of the expectation of seeing things in the way we see them in the physical world. This is the first step towards developing inner vision. We need to be prepared to see things that we won't be able to understand with our three-dimensional mind.

The second step towards developing inner vision involves letting energies communicate with us in the form of frequency. We need to be open to receiving these energies without expecting them to talk to us in the same language that we manage in the third dimension. Many of us want to understand the language of energy in our own terms, but this won't work. We need to let the energies speak to us in their own language.

Developing inner vision for a Twinflame is an art that requires patience and practice. We need to train our minds to see beyond the physical world and decode the energy patterns that exist. It's like learning a new language. We need to immerse ourselves in it, practice it, and be patient with ourselves as we learn.

If you are in a conscious relationship with your twin, the process of developing inner vision speed up, we become more aware of ourselves, of who we are only by observing the projection of the soul in the world around us. Every person and experience that comes to our life are the fruits of the seeds we activate within the heart, so you will get to know your self by contemplating these fruits. In this dynamic you start to see things from a different perspective and gain insights that we wouldn't have gained from relying solely on our physical senses. We become more intuitive and can use this intuition to help others.

In conclusion, developing inner vision is an art that requires us to let go of our expectations and be open to receiving energies in their own language. It's a journey of self-discovery that allows us to see beyond the physical world and gain insights that are not visible to the naked eye. The more we let the inner wisdom reveal GOD within us and infusing all our creations, the easier for twinflame to Co-Create perfection within and around them.

With Love from My Heart,



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