The new way of intelligence

Creativity is the ability to create or invent, at least that is the description that the dictionary gives to us. But if we go a little further, creativity doesn’t exist as such. The image, so repeated in cartoon series or movies where the character solves a complex problem with a miraculous idea, saying something like Eureka or switching on a lightbulb over his head.

  We owe creativity to the episteme, our baggage of experiences, and the connections our brains make to solve the issue. All the things we saw, hear, and feel is our sources to solve situations.

  We could say that our ideas aren’t authentic or original. Quite the opposite, meta-evolution of our experiences. Everything has a referential ideology; the artistic movements reflect it perfectly. For example, jazz and R&B (just for say two of them) created rock and roll, likewise, this last one was the base for countless subgenres that arose.

Unlock Unlimited Creativity with Your Twin

If we say that creativity is the outcome of the experiences, we could open a new concept bringing the baggage from past lives. The arts could be the way to explore this kind of intelligence. This isn’t a talent or a gifted, so we need to train the ability and connect the intellectual with the spiritual side.   Now imagine that, all your experiences from this life, all your experiences from your lineage of souls, and add the experiences of your TwinFlame. The possibilities could be infinite because our TwinFlame is our soul in another body. Therefore, our creative ability expands, and our vision is shared and stimulated.

“Imagination is only intelligence having fun”

George Scialabba

 Tips to stimulate the creativity

Like what was said above, creativity is like a muscle, so we need to train that in the same way as our legs or arms. The next tips will be to establish a routine.

  • Play Games

    Play chess, Sudokus, Crosswords, strategy games, etc. All the activities create problems and force our brains to create solutions.

  • Practice any sport

    Physical activities increase the flow of histamines. Those help the brain, contributing oxygen to the neural tissues. A long walk or a bike ride could help overcome a mental block on many occasions.

  • Always have a notepad at hand

    Many times, the “inspiration” could come in inopportune times. But, easy come easy go, so having with you a notepad is a great tool. You can start writing or drawing about your dreams as soon as you wake up.

  • Have sex

    Practicing sex with the person you loved, or with whom you feel comfortable, could be encouraging for your creativity. This allows creative energy released from the sexual chakra.

  • Read

    Reading is always a good catalyst for creativity. If they are books, even better, because it helps focus your attention for longer than on an internet news item.

    It provides you with new words and vocabulary, exercises openness to new ideas, and supplies you with more tools to organize them.

  • Get out of your comfort zone

    Creativity needs constants challenges. If you have never tried watercolors, start doing it. If you have never written a play, why not consider it once?

    Get out of your comfort zone and you will suffer, but your creativity will grow stronger and your life will become much more rewarding.

    And, without a doubt, it will help you to be more creative.

By RO - April 2022


Valentine’s Special


Twinflame: It all begins with a Spark of Creativity