Twinflame: It all begins with a Spark of Creativity

Something characteristic in a Twin flame is our insatiable thirst to CREATE. We are creative children and we aim to grow up as creative adults. Coming united in the third dimension with our twin soul may be the trigger needed to lead us in a path of creation and self-realization for the evolution of spirit to it best potential.


If you are a twin flame and you are not using your creative energy focused on becoming the more AUTHENTIC you can be, then you may be most likely feeling trapped in a life that does not makes you happy, and hidden behind an identity that does not suit the deepest needs of your heart. If you are hiding behind a fake personality it will affect the self confidence of your persona and eventually it could keep you emotionally apart of your twin soul. This behaviour may also drive you to chose people that remains stacked in the same circle of rejecting their own creative needs and their real purpose of life.

In my personal experience since I met Ro in person I started to accept that I was craving for making music, producing short films, writing a book, painting and more things that makes my soul to relax and smile. When I focus my attention on creating things, I bring myself to the HERE and NOW. It helps me to stop thinking and allow my self to blend both parts of my soul that before surrendering to self love they only existed in antagonism: DOING and BEING.

Actually, before we have met for first time in this life with my twin, I was already into the mission of composing my own music and studying full time film production in university. But that was new for me. I spent nearly 10 years only focused on working in jobs that would not makes me happy, it forced me to pretend to be someone else making me believe I will never fit in.

But when I turned 30 I thought I had enough of that life that made me feel empty for so long. Before I used to believe that I had work hard and sacrifice my inner happiness towards a promising future that eventually would reward me and make me feel content and ready to finally be able do everything that really satisfies my soul. But this never happened in the way I thought it would. So I decided to give up to my old life-style and retake all the creative projects of my childhood, only 1 year before we met.

The relationship with him, my twinflame was an inspiration for me to continuing to follow the path of self-development of the soul by nurturing my own creativity. Then I worked for a long time on feeling less scared of not doing anything and just being. This was the most difficult part, because it meant to contradict my family tree quite a lot. But it worth the effort on the self healing journey because my creations are extensions of my BEING. So they wouldn’t have space in this world to exist if I can’t make the space in my own heart to allow my self just TO BE.

If you ask me what on Earth makes me happiest, my answer is TO CREATE. When I enter in the mood of creation, I surrender to the energy of my heart guiding me towards bringing to life my ART, that can be a song, a Reiki manual, an script for a movie or something as simple as a colourful draw.

My creations are the reason why I am here materialized in this human body. And the love of my heart is the eternal flame that brings my creations to life. I believe that Love and Creativity for a twin they go hand to hand. And if God is LOVE, and the pure love of GOD has created the entire universe, there is no doubt then that everything begins with a spark of CREATIVITY.

By FLO - April 2022


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