Cosmic Christ Consciousness Initiations + Reiki + KA >> Level 1 - "Balancing Polarities to Let the Christ Emerge from Within".


Small group of max. 3 ppl commencing on January / March / June / September / December 2023

You can chose to join week days: 4 sessions, 2hs 44 mins each session (Mondays or Thursdays)


Weekends: 2 sessions, 5hs 30 mins each session (Saturdays)

NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE (Max. 2ppl by Zoom)

>> Tuesdays 10am (Perth Time) - If you and your friend want to Learn Reiki Level I ONLINE from anywhere in the world by zoom call please get in touch to coordinate date and time. Online Classes for Reiki I are made of 4 meetings, 2hs each for max. groups of 2 ppl. If you are interested on doing it online, please email us

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Small group of max. 3 ppl commencing on January / March / June / September / December 2023

You can chose to join week days: 4 sessions, 2hs 44 mins each session (Mondays or Thursdays)


Weekends: 2 sessions, 5hs 30 mins each session (Saturdays)

NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE (Max. 2ppl by Zoom)

>> Tuesdays 10am (Perth Time) - If you and your friend want to Learn Reiki Level I ONLINE from anywhere in the world by zoom call please get in touch to coordinate date and time. Online Classes for Reiki I are made of 4 meetings, 2hs each for max. groups of 2 ppl. If you are interested on doing it online, please email us

Small group of max. 3 ppl commencing on January / March / June / September / December 2023

You can chose to join week days: 4 sessions, 2hs 44 mins each session (Mondays or Thursdays)


Weekends: 2 sessions, 5hs 30 mins each session (Saturdays)

NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE (Max. 2ppl by Zoom)

>> Tuesdays 10am (Perth Time) - If you and your friend want to Learn Reiki Level I ONLINE from anywhere in the world by zoom call please get in touch to coordinate date and time. Online Classes for Reiki I are made of 4 meetings, 2hs each for max. groups of 2 ppl. If you are interested on doing it online, please email us

Master Sananda Jesus and Master Mary Magdalene will guide us in the Reiki Healing journey to activate the Christ Consciousness in your cosmic heart and to help others in their own healing process.

The first step for you as a light worker ready to activate the star seed in your heart, begins with the process of healing the subtle vehicles in order to dissolve the blockages in your chakra system that were making you believe you were an individual being separated from GAIA instead of a vital part of her. Indigenous people in south america refer to GAIA as the mother PACHAMAMA, they teach us we belong to her while we are incarnated in this human timeline.

Activating your heart as the seed that you are means to expand your consciousness and grow strong roots that will keep you grounded and connected to planet Earth, while remaining downloading cosmic energy from the Central Sun into your DNA.

As Star-Seeds, you were planted in this planet and you are expected to grow and flourish, and like any other plant on Earth, the star-seed grows shoots that grow towards the sun (higher chakras) which in the process of awakening the Cosmic Consciousness it grow leaves (subtle layers in your aura) and begin photo morphogenesis (ascension of your physical body when you absorb enough light).


The Twin-Ray Sananda and Mary Magdalene are in charge in this new time to help us to heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies to find a perfect balance of the electric and magnetic energy flow in the human being, in order to become antennas connecting the Sun and the Earth in the process of Alchemy of the Spirit.


When the journey of activating the Christ Consciousness in your DNA begins, one of the Ascended Masters merges with your energy field to guide you in the ascension journey and commences to work with you as a team and through you when you’re healing others.

Cosmic Christ Consciousness Reiki Level 2: "Awakening of the Goddess for the Activation of the Sacred Family"