This is the combination of Soul-Centred Psychotherapy + Hypnotherapy + 5D Light Codes Infusion that involves 90 mins of deep relaxation on the massage table receiving Reiki Cosmic Consciousness ENERGY HEALING, Pleiadian 5D Healing for Chakra Alignment (transmuting toxic cords between souls or within the family tree), Light Codes Activation to awaken the cosmic DNA, Deep Cleanse with Solar Disks focused on dissolving past life trauma stored in the spinal cord and Etheric Atlantean Crystals to clear blocks and releasing the soul’s creative potential, not only to align the mental and emotional vehicles with the higher self but ultimately reaching the awakening the Cosmic Blue Print.
This is the combination of Soul-Centred Psychotherapy + Hypnotherapy + 5D Light Codes Infusion that involves 90 mins of deep relaxation on the massage table receiving Reiki Cosmic Consciousness ENERGY HEALING, Pleiadian 5D Healing for Chakra Alignment (transmuting toxic cords between souls or within the family tree), Light Codes Activation to awaken the cosmic DNA, Deep Cleanse with Solar Disks focused on dissolving past life trauma stored in the spinal cord and Etheric Atlantean Crystals to clear blocks and releasing the soul’s creative potential, not only to align the mental and emotional vehicles with the higher self but ultimately reaching the awakening the Cosmic Blue Print.
This is the combination of Soul-Centred Psychotherapy + Hypnotherapy + 5D Light Codes Infusion that involves 90 mins of deep relaxation on the massage table receiving Reiki Cosmic Consciousness ENERGY HEALING, Pleiadian 5D Healing for Chakra Alignment (transmuting toxic cords between souls or within the family tree), Light Codes Activation to awaken the cosmic DNA, Deep Cleanse with Solar Disks focused on dissolving past life trauma stored in the spinal cord and Etheric Atlantean Crystals to clear blocks and releasing the soul’s creative potential, not only to align the mental and emotional vehicles with the higher self but ultimately reaching the awakening the Cosmic Blue Print.