Magical Portals

for Lightworkers Manifesting a new 5D Timeline

Why Awakening the Cosmic DNA?

All living things are largely made up of water. It contains molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids that we can find in all known life forms. These molecules have a basic structure made up of chains and rings of carbon atoms. One or more hydrogen atoms are attached to almost all carbon atoms.

But can life be made up of something else? Are there other types of molecules that provide the complexity and versatility of life?

Silicon shares many similarities with carbon and can also bond to up to four different atoms in four different directions. With this element, long and complicated chains of atoms in which silicon and oxygen alternate become possible. Each silicon atom can bond to two other atoms or groups of atoms, and these types of molecules are called "silicones."

Let's stop for a moment to define what an ascension is, which is a cosmic cycle that always happens in each specific part of the universe. Nothing escapes ascension, whatever it is. It is a cyclical movement in an ascending spiral based on harmonic octaves and luminous sequences of light and love.

Ascension is a path of upward change, which step by step brings us closer to the Great Spirit; the "Return Home".

As you can see, the times in which the human being evolves from one state to another are getting shorter and shorter, and always in higher physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes and with a better understanding and CONSCIOUSNESS of the universe to which we belong and are.

The next step will not be from one evolutionary state to another, but from one dimension to another. It will truly be what we call a quantum leap, since in the previous evolutionary changes of the human being he always remained with his DNA based on carbon, and in this Third Dimension.

This time the change will be radical and we will see our DNA pass to the silicon element, the base of the quartz crystal.

A quantum leap happens when the atom undergoes a modification due to external forces that force it to mutate internally and, therefore, modify it structurally.

The particles of light, also called photons, will be the cause of this change in the atom of third-dimensional matter, moving it towards a more subtle dimension but with higher frequencies, where it will find a new resonance. Therefore, during this change, the morphology of the human being will mutate towards the silicon element.

Many of us know it in our hearts: we are approaching an inexorable moment in our history as Human Beings. For those of us who live this reality as an energetic experience of expansion and connection, times have been accelerating. Abrupt growth, breaking of ties, disappearance of ailments, heightened perceptions, limitless synchronicities... The signs are clear and we must be prepared for this rise.



Ascension Energies 444

This acticity was released in 2021 but I am making this available as a GIFT since it has powerful information about ASTROLOGY and the PORTALS opening in the following years. It’s aa perfect match if you are willing to purchase the latest MAGICAL PORTALS WORKSHOP ON-DEMAND.

This workshop aim to help you to integrate the energy that entered on Earth from 2011 to 2021 as a preparation for the consciousness shift happening from February 2022 to 2032



Memories from Orion Workshop