The Orion War

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️


Healing an Old Wound

In the window of time between the first two eclipses that occurred in 2022, from April 30th to May 16th the ancient memories brought by the first star-seeds that inhabited this planet as the first human prototypes who moved here from Lyra after the biggest war that happened in our universe - the Orion War - commenced to emerge from the subconsciousness with the mission of awakening deeper layers of our cosmic DNA.

These extremely painful memories were buried in the Antarctic, the geographic area of our planet that the eclipses have affected the most during this month.

Indeed, the Akashic Records of Earth are anchored everywhere in the physical plane of the world. The different areas contain different information and that information is also linked to the human collective consciousness of this planet. In other words, the land interacts with the Akasha; the Akasha interacts with the land; the land interacts with the universe and the universe interacts with our 3D collective consciousness through the land. That’s the reason why when you travel the world and spend some quality time hiking on the mountains, islands, volcanos, exploring the forest, jungle or beaches of the world, different memories arise from your subconsciousness triggering changes in your intra universe. Imagine yourself as an antenna and now picture in your mind how the energy moves from one place to another as music that resonates in different ways with the own music of the different places. Imagine also how your music and the music of the land interact, transforming each other’s melody into a “new song”.

So what’s happening right now is that the music coming from the memories of the Orion’s war that were released during and after the eclipses, may be felt like great sadness and sense of loss when our own music merges with this old melody. Depending on where you are physically located in the world and where you were born in this time line, you will more likely to connect with one specific aspect and emotions of these memories that relates to your personal Akashic Records (past timelines / past lives of yours).

Some of the emotions we still carry from Orion’s War were released from the deep of our subconsciousness this year. These emotions are affecting our energy field by attracting certain situations / experiences to our personal universe and by resolving these emotions and transmuting the fear underneath we are together co-creating a new paradigm. The more we heal our selves, the closer we get to set our free our soul tribe from the conditioning effects of these ancient wounds that were creating all sort of drama and toxic cords between souls from these old 3D programs that we are being pushed by the incoming energies and the raising Schuman Resonance of Earth to transcend and leave behind, so we can ascend and move forward onto a new reality, or 5D Earth.

Some of the symptoms that affected the feminine energy the last couple of months were (and may persist for the rest of this year until the next eclipse in October!) >> 1) Feeling like nothing makes sense, (hopeless?) like nothing deserve our effort anymore. 2) If I'm happy I get too distracted and then everything may go wrong because I am not in control any more 3) Fear of being scammed by those who looks like good people, (vulnerable? Silly?) like if they could easily take advantage of us and there is nothing we can do to defend our energy being stolen by people with lack of empathy and compassion.

You can tell the core of it seems to be the inner battle happening, between the need of controlling and the need to surrender.

Some of the symptoms in the masculine energy are >> 1) Restlessness to look for something that fills our life, like if they need to find the ways enhance it (feeling responsable of their own happiness and to make sure their family is happy and healthy (or their partner!). This is accompanied by a great awakening happening in men in particularly but also in woman (both have masculine energy!) making them more empathic and compassionate, like never before. This new awareness makes them to become responsable of their own behaviour. 2) Feeling well-being for first time in ages (Allowing themselves to enjoy of themselves? enjoy of love?) This is happening because the anger is stepping away and letting the inner happiness to come up to the main stage. Before it was not room for it. 3) Getting to know what confidence in yourself feels like and in those around you. (Teamwork? Can humans trust each other and work as a team? Without taking advantage of other weakness?) 4) Sudden fear of losing stability that creates anxiety or panic attacks. Not everything seems to be pink color. The battle is still there. Depending on the day they may feel happy trusting the flow of life and surrender to the power of the heart, but other days they may feel like they are going crazy and the need of control come backs but in smaller doses.

The Urmah

The wound comes from Lyra, when the Urmah people had to fight against the Reptilians and Greys trying to invade their planet and take control of everything. Imaging the Urmah as cats. They are lovely, they trust. They are sweet and kind. But if you surprise them being unfair, attacking them or simply doing something they don’t expect, they get very scared and develop aggressive way to defend their territory, their food and their loved one. The same wound resides within the DNA of the many star-seeds that came from Vega and Pleiades to Earth looking for a new home where they could start again. But the pain and fear because what happened in the past is still there. And that fear caused the Feminine and Masculine energy to clash and fight with each other. Basically because many lightworkers tried to be nice and compassionated with the Reptilians but they didn’t respect the locals neither the agreements. And the beautiful Vega in the Lyra Constellation became the war field that lead to it’s own destruction and the need to leave that solar system for good. The Urmah felt betrayed and since then surrender to the power within has not been easy for the many lightworkers incarnated in the 3D on Earth.

The Good Reptilians

As a past life therapy I often get to know star-seeds from many different places in the universe. My clients tend to recall past lives in other planet from before they came for first time to Earth. Depending where they come from before Earth, they will be able to feel and experience certain emotions, relationships with other souls and to develop different gifts. All of my clients who remember to live in Alpha Draco before Earth (what we call reptilians and Annunakis) they have had very difficult incarnations as humans, purging all the karma they brought from they experiences before becoming a human being. Nowadays, the Reptilian race are part of the Galactic Confederation. Thanks to the Orion’s War, the reptilians became entangled energetically with the Pleiadians. Since they both are here, sharing for thousand of years the same planet and learning from each other, they could both become friends and forget the differences. Many of them could finally forgive to each other for the past events, leave the fear and hate behind and work together in preventing these horrible battles to happen ever again. They came to the realization that united they are stronger. And they are currently working on helping other human-reptilians to expand their consciousness and learn all about LOVE and RESPECT.


“They who do not trust enough will not be trusted.” –Lao Tzu.