What do you need to participate of this 3-Day Free Program?

I will be creating a sacred space for us to connect with the Arcturian Angels assisting Planet Earth from Higher Realms with the mission of helping us to transcend the old matrix that kept the human DNA trapped into a collective state of ignorance, forgetting our own ancestral wisdom, but specially for re-awakening the forgotten deep connexion within our Human Heart that links us directly to the Creator.

To join the Healing Program you will only need to have your healing journal handy to take notes during the 44 minutes Master Class where I will explain what is Anger, where it comes from and how we can benefit from it.

To receive the Distance Healing you will only need to be home - NOT DRIVING neither out and about - creating a sacred space with sage or incense, pleasant music and making yourself comfortable - not in your bed please, seating in a chair or laying o a couch or yoga mat it’s fine - so you can close your eyes for 14 minutes and meditate with me. I will guide you from your phone or computer. Wearing headphones to immerse better into the experience is highly recommended but is not mandatory neither, since with your Full Name and permission I will be able to send you the 5D Codes directly into your energy field where it is most needed.

The Masters of the Christ Consciousness said that we are capable to transcend the old fears feeding the consciousness of separation and collective pain by empowering each other to together Co-Create a New Earth where many races from the deep galaxy can meet, share our knowledge and evolve collectively.

Have you ever wanted to be an agent of change?

The change begins within YOU!