Solar Disk Activation

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️


2022: The year to Balance the Masculine and Feminine Energy in the Collective Consciousness - Our Inner Warrior and our Inner Priestess

How this affect lightworkers in general in their daily lives?

Depending on where you live in the planet you may experience different effects of this alignment but the common symptoms are:

  • Nightmares (don’t be scared of nightmares, this is just the process of purging your subconsciousness)

  • Illness (Bacteria and Viruses are not our enemies! They help you in your energy cleanse process, to strength your immune system and to re program your physical body)

  • Mood Swings (big ones!)

  • Awakening of Sexual Energy in ways you never even imagine before (you could expect having orgasm while you sleep / meditate / or look at the eyes of your loved one. On the other hand you may lose interest in traditional sex, Erectile dysfunction or lack of pleasure during intimate encounters for women, venereal disease etc )

  • tiredness and insomnia

  • outbursts of anger, sadness or happiness (or even all together at once! :D)

Back in February 2022 the twinflame family incarnated on Earth has finished healing the wounds related to the Planetary node located in Egypt. The healing process ceased with the last cleanse that happened during the portal day 22-02-2022 which had the mission of purging all the toxic energy that was still holding the threads that configured the drama in the 3D related to the missuses of the sexual energy during the Egyptian Dynasty after the Atlantean fall when the ancient continent sunk in the ocean. Egypt meant to inherit the Atlantean legacy and keep alive the Sirian and Pleiadian DNA and all the knowledge brought from Arcturus to seed Planet Earth. Unfortunately it was too late for humanity to continue with that project as the portals where already opened in Lemuria for many extra-terrestrial races from all around the galaxy come to Earth and stablish their colonies here. Gai’s atmosphere decreased the frequency and it made very difficult almost impossible for humans to reach higher levels of consciousness, neither to use fully their sirian-pleiadian DNA (the 12 layers). In short: Egypt became corrupted and the Sirian crystals into the Great Pyramids had to be removed to avoid corrupted humans to continue using the passage between matter and anti matter as this could end up destroying completely Planet Earth. The crystals were disolved and the pyramids since then became just temples for people to adore their Gods and practice Magic, Sexual Rituals and more.

In the other hand, the sphinx was the place chosen by Master Thoth to continue imparting the ancient knowledge from Lemuria and Atlantis, the teaching of metaphysics that Atlanteans knew very well, during the Egyptian Rise Age was called the School of Mystery.


In April 2022 a very important alignment is happening between elements of the AKASHIC RECORDS that were clashing for so long manifesting inner battle and external war for thousand of years after Lemuria fall. The feminine and Masculine energies were fighting each other making human life on Earth very painful and very difficult to survive.

Since the beginning of the Galactic day many lightworkers incarnated in different countries around the world have worked on activating Lemurian light codes on nadis (minor chakras) of Earth in order to wave a rainbow net that could reconnect the Planetary nodes that were disconnected from each other due to the toxic memories from all our past time lines when we created emotions like FEAR TO PERSECUTION - ANGER - VICTIMIZATION - FEAR OF DEATH - LACK OF SELF LOVE - REJECTION - HATE and more. They actively moved (physically) around the globe during the last 11 years since they receive the first 11*11 call to commence the inner work.

The alignment of the Solar Disks that contains the Lemurian Ligthcodes with the Planetary Node of Egypt has triggered the awakening of the Planetary Node in Australia, in other words, explained more simple: From April 2022 the lightworkers and starseeds have access to their Lemurian Memories, and this is happening because their could reach a higher octave in the frequency of their consciousness which results in a great expansion that will happen from April 2022 to November 11*11 the same year.

Solar Disk Activation in Mexico

The Golden Sun Disc emerged at the time of Lemuria. Its construction comes from Sirius B -Arcturus. There are 12 of these discs on the planet but to be more precise we will tell you that there are twelve different frequency patterns of the Golden Sun Disc that are currently being expanded into a refinement of 12 strands by the Sirians and many connected to the Brotherhood of the Hathors. The discs emit energetic spirals. These are actually more spiral than discal, although, when observed, they seem to take on the shape of a disc.

The constant reprogramming of the Sun Disk has served to prepare the Earth for its self-regeneration and reformation, becoming an aspect of the DNA blueprint or imprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into a crystalline aspect. Many of you are part of this plan and have been for a long time. Indeed, many were drawn to the solar disks in south américa as the work of 2011 intensified in preparation for 2022.

The awareness of this vortex will be able to offer balance to any human who is out of balance… and most of humanity is actually out of balance even as the Earth is energetically, ionically, and frequencially unequally polarized. Even in very rare vector points, such a balance still exists on Terra. There are many of these nodes. The largest of them is Titicaca. This is the reason why many are attracted to the place. The one with a preponderance of masculine energy or feminine energy will receive the opposite to obtain balance. Such is the nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and the Golden Disc.


“Know thyself deathless and able to know all things, all arts, sciences, the way of every life. Become higher than the highest height and lower than the lowest depth. Amass in thyself all senses of animals, fire, water, dryness and moistness. Think of thyself in all places at the same time, earth, sea, sky, not yet born, in the womb, young, old, dead, and in the after death state.

— Muata Ashby - Ancient Egyptian Proverbs