Astral Cities Calling

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️


The New Lemuria

In July 1957 Beloved Master el Morya said: Those pilgrims who seek guidance and spiritual enlightenment from now on will be drawn to South America, just as they had previously been drawn to the East because the Kundalini of Earth is moving from one side to another in the 3D planet.

The Ray of Love and Wisdom coming from Alpha Omega enters the planet Earth though two physical doorways:

  • The Masculine aspect enters through Tibet from the Himalayas in the north of the planet.

  • The Feminine Aspect enters through the Titicaca Lake and flows through the Andes to the south.


Mary Magdalene and Lady of Guadalupe are Guiding us through the Journey of Awakening the Feminine Energy in the Collective Consciousness: The Inner Goddess. Since the Masculine Aspect was prominent throughout the ages of Earth's history, now the Feminine Aspect is raising as GAIA is raising it frequency moving deeper into the Seventh Ray vibrations.

This this the reason why the Astral Cities are very active at this time, specially in the last 30 years since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 mainly working with incarnated lightworkers and star-seeds from the 5D. Master EL MORYA have been working from SHAMBALLA, astral city anchored on the Himalayas and Mother Mary from city of ERKS located in Cordoba, Argentina.

The lightworkers and star-seeds were called from different places in the entire globe to move around and merge their energy fields with the frequency of the different sacred places.

The Astral Cities

The cities of Light are made entirely of glass walls with large temple complexes with various forms of sacred geometry, they serve as outposts for many higher dimensional Beings of Light from other star systems.

For example, Lake Titicaca is the headquarters of the Intergalactic Federation on Earth. The Intergalactic Federation is a large group of members of the Andromeda and Milky Way Galactic Federations of Light.

At this time Mount Shasta and Lake Titicaca are the only two Cities of Light anchored at ground level. The other eleven are ethereally located above the physical chakra sites. If you decide to explore those, ask in your meditation, or before you go to sleep, that the guardians of the particular City of Crystalline Light you wish to visit come and take you if it is in your highest good at this time.

Twin Flames received the call also, majority of them had to travel together or separated or they were born or currently live close to a planetary node, solar disk or sacred areas where the vibration is higher and so the Astral Cities are located in another dimension.

Twins Galaxies

The Milky Way and Andromeda are twin galaxies, also called cosmic twins. Both galaxies have beings representing them in the Galactic Confederation. The headquarters on Earth are located in the sub-aquatic complex of Lake Titicaca. In there is also located the Temple of the Great Central Sun that anchors the astral city on the Earth Star Crystal, in the center of the Earth at its lowest point. From the tip of its cone-shaped spiral, in the center of this great dome-roofed temple, is a portal that opens into the Great Central Sun. This Temple of the Great Central Sun literally anchors the Earth's connection to the Great Central Sun and to Divine Source.


True knowledge comes from the upward path which leads to the eternal fire; error, defeat and death result from following the lower path of worldly attachment.

— Muata Ashby - Ancient Egyptian Proverbs