Lemurian Chakra Healing

Lemurian Chakra Ascending

A powerful 12-Month Program to Activate the 12-Layers of your DNA

Can you feel it? It’s your DNA Calling.

  • Star of the Matrix

    The Matrix is the CREATION TEMPLATE designed by your soul in the 4D before conception. It is based on your past life experiences and the PURPUSE of your current incarnation.

  • Star of Gaia

    GAIA is the combination of the FIVE ELEMENTS of Earth from where the SOUL can create a TEMPLATE to enable the spirit to navigate the physical realm of the 3D in a HUMAN BODY.

  • Root Chakra

    The ROOT is the first expression of the SOUL in the physical realm, it ANCHORS the spirit in a PHYSICAL VEHICLE made of ETHER, MATTER, THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS.