Practitioner Certificate

This learning program was designed for people who want to learn to channel the Akashic Records and access to information from multiple timelines of themselves and their peers, with the aim of expanding their I AM awareness and healing the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of Earth.

  • You will learn:

    • What is the Akasha and where is it

    • Metaphysics of the Soul Family

    • The Guardians of the Records

    • The Akasha in Lemuria and Atlantis

    • Sacred Geometry: The Flower of Life

    • Crystal Technology in Atlantis

    • How to read past lives and potential timelines in the Akashic Records

  • You will learn:

    • Introduction to The Higher Chakras

    • Sovereign of the Karmic System

    • Healing Multiple Timelines

    • Fixing Energy Cords Entanglement

    • Understanding of the Metaphysics of the Soul Contracts

    • Who are The Galactic Federation

    • Healing The Wound of the Orion War

    • Working with Starseeds

    • Introduction to The Arcturians and The Pleiadians

  • You will learn:

    • Metaphysics of the Interconnectedness in the Akasha

    • Understanding the Psychodynamics of the Chakras in the Records

    • Healing the Family Tree, Soul Family and Reincarnation within the same body

    • Healing process of Transmutation & Rebirth.

    • Healing The Collective Consciousness

    • Using Arcturian healing tools

    • Life in other planets

    • Activation of the Pleiadean DNA

    • Healing The Planetary Nodes



BEGIN THIS MAGICAL JOURNEY learning sacred geometry, cosmic laws, all about PLANETARY NODES AND the creation of the akasha while you are being introduced to THE ASCENDED MASTERS OF THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS AND the COSMIC KUMARA.

In this INTRODUCTORY level you can expect to learn a lot of theory to comprehend the AKASHA, you will practise the technique on yourself and other students, and the most important is: You will receive the Lemurian Initiations to easily tune in with the guardians of the AKASHIC RECORDS to access the archives of yours and your relatives and friends when you finish this course. The first level consist of an introduction to the AKASHA for the students to understand how this universe works and how is possible for a soul to experiences life in multiple dimensions and multiple forms of existence in the third, fourth, fifth dimension and so on. In the first level the student will receive their first attunement to the RECORDS and will be ready to access to the information given by the spirit guides assisting them in the reading process.

The first practice will help the students to get to know their Spirit Guides and to awaken their Spiritual Gifts from Past Lives.

In the Introductory Level you will learn:

✰ What is the Akasha and where is it

First, it's important to understand what are the Planetary Nodes and how to access our information saved in there, understanding that our memories are alive and in constant transformation, evolving into 3D patterns that can give shape to the physical experience we can Co-Create on Earth as humans.

✰ Meet the Guardians of the Archives

In our first meeting you will receive your first initiation to connect with the Masters of the Akasha. To access the Akashic Records from the third dimension, humans will need to be granted the access to the information saved (and protected) into the archives.

✰ Learn about the creation of the Akasha in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis

You will be introduced to the Lemurian and Atlantean Masters to help you understand the first creation of human timelines on Earth.

✰ Gain better understanding of Sacred Geometry

The architecture of the universe relays on sacred geometry, unlocking the wisdom of the Flower of Life will help you to gain deeper understanding on how a reading of the Akashic Records can be performed to heal your life and relationships in the multidimension.

✰ This is an introduction to the Metaphysics of the Soul Family

In our second meeting you will learn about the journey of the soul mates from the monad to the human body. It will help you to understand how the records in the Akasha are organized and how this affects the Co-Creation of a Family Tree in your daily life.

✰ In the introductory level you will also learn about Potential Timelines in the Akasha!

In our third meeting I will help you understand why the planning continue along the way to Self-Realization and Soul Purpose alignment in the 3D Earth.

✰ The masters of the Christ Consciousness will guide you during this introductory level

The students will learn the Lemurian Method to Access their own Akashic Records. In the first level the guidance will be delivered by the Ascended Masters who are the currently ambassadors in the 3D, 4D and 5D Earth of the Christ Cosmic Consciousness, for this first level they are Master Sananda Yeshua and his Twin Ray Maria Magdalena.

There are several techniques for ascended human to access the Akasha, you will learn in this course the Lemurian Method to Access your own Akashic Records. This method is specific for Indigo Human ascending from 3D to 5D.



The second level was designed for the students to work on developing their reading skills. Although being the Akasha a vast source of information, it is important first to address and understand what information can be relevant for the consultant to become aware of in the present moment, and what’s the healing goal overall.

In order to understand the structure of the reading and how to address a healing goal it is a must to understand first the metaphysics of the soul family and the soul contract linking the individuals into the Akasha across the multiple timelines.

In the second level the student will also learn about the Galactic Federation and about the common wound of Star Seeds which is the memory of the Orion War.

An introduction to the different races of Star Seeds will help the student to perform readings when they access to information of past timelines in another planets beyond GAIA.

The practice at this stage will focus on understanding the Soul Purpose and to address what the Karmic Contracts in the Student’s Soul Family are.



The third level has the purpose of teaching the student how the information in the Akashic Records interacts with their energy field and their chakras. And how the contracts in between souls, create ties connecting their chakras which are conditioned by the experiences lived by the souls interacting in past lives.

In the third level the student will be introduced to the complexity of the connection in between souls in order to understand the reincarnation cycle. The concepts of re-birth and transfiguration process will be explained in the context of the Akashic Records and the students will learn to use Arcturian healing tools to work on the energy configuring the potential timelines.

The practice in the third level involves working on healing the patterns identified in the previous levels that were preventing the soul of ascending to the fifth dimension.

Join Us :)

Coming dates for Reader Level I :

•August 10th, 11th and 17th - from 10am to 5pm

The first 2 dates are mandatory to continue with the next levels in order to complete the certified training course.