Pilbara Node Activation

What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.



5D NEWS 〰️


Kundalini Awakening

The movement of the Kundalini energy of Gaia has triggered the healing of feminine energy in the collective consciousness that commenced back in1949. The Kundalini of Earth feels like an energy whose behaviour and appearance closely resembles a moving snake, similar to the movement of the Kundalini in the human body. When it moves across the planetary nodes, the consciousness of incarnated humans expands to a higher spiritual path. There is a pulse of exactly 12,920 years in which the polarity of the terrestrial Kundalini changes to the opposite pole and simultaneously changes the location on the surface of the Earth. The new location not only quickly awakens the people living in the vicinity of this sacred spot on Earth (currently moving from California to Chile, Peru and Argentina trough the Andes down to Antartic and heading up to NZ and Australia), it also sends a frequency into the electromagnetic grids that surround the planet. The electromagnetic gird of GAIA 5D is anchored on 3D Earth by 12 Planetary Nodes located all around the world. This in turn affects those consciousness networks in ways that are determined by the Earth's DNA. To the few who know about this event and what is happening around us, a wisdom is transferred and the state of inner peace becomes their inheritance, because they know the extraordinary truth. In the midst of the chaos, war, pandemic, environmental crisis and moral breakdown that we are all experiencing here on Earth today, at the end of this cycle, they understand this is a process of transition and are not afraid.


In a research published in the journal Nature Geoscience, a team led by Daniel Wiemer of the Queensland University of Technology reports that the rocks that form the Pilbara craton – an ancient, geologically stable section of the Earth’s crust – were formed through three “gravitational overturn” events, each lasting about 100 million years. The craton formed during a period known as the early Archaean eon, which began with the first formation of the Earth’s crust about four billion years ago, and ended about 1.5 billion years later. During this period, the Earth’s mantle is thought to have been at its hottest and the crust immediately above it very unstable.

Since the beginning of times on this planet, this specific area of Earth has been storing information into Gaia’s Akashic Records. We haven’t had access to this “library” that contains the records of what happened on Earth during the times of Lemuria until the Kundalini of Earth has awaken and commenced to stimulates this node. The last Earthquakes around this area: Indonesia Dec. 26th 2004, Christchurch Feb. 22nd 2011, Japan March 11th 2011, has been triggering the awakening of the Australian Node located in the Pilbara, so the Lemurian souls currently incarnated on Earth could recover their own memories from that time and commence to question their own identity and begin to search who they really are.

The journey to remember Lemuria started in 2011 and only in 2021 lightworkers and starseeds begun to recall what the wound was that originated the separation of the feminine and the masculine sacred energies that made them enter into a war that twin flame souls are still fighting in their personal life.

The good news are: In February 2022 the Pilbara Node received the impact of the Solar Flares and the Lightworkers who live in the surrounding area (Western Australia) have been actively working on healing the Akashic Records stored in the Pilbara node. The majority of them are not aware of their duty. They just followed the call to move to this area of the planet are has been fully focused on their own self healing journey in the last 10 years, after receiving the 11.11 call. Without knowing they were healing the Akasha of the planet, they evolved very rapidly healing their fears and 3D struggles. They became lighthouses of LOVE and WISDOM and they begun the activation of their higher chakras and particulary the twin flame family commenced to awake and activate their interdimensional DNA (the majority of them are not conscious of the process but they know they are in a sort of spiritual awakening, tho). These lightworkers and starseeds are human antennas that move the incoming of energy from the central sun to the nodes anchored on the GAIA 3D. They are alchemist moving energy through their own physical / emotional / mental bodies and in this sort of photosynthesis they transform the energy into light codes that not only affect the Pilbara Node but simultaneously heal the whole grid. The more energy they pass onto the Node, the more they remember who they are and where they come from.


“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes..

— Carl Jung