Partial Eclipse in Taurus
What to Expect for Lightworkers and Star-seeds currently incarnated on Earth.
5D NEWS 〰️
This Eclipse may create emotional chaos in our subconsciousness, and that chaos was very needed to help us seeing what’s not making us feel content anymore, and perhaps it never did but these thoughts / relationship / behaviour may have created a comfort zone for the soul that now is difficult for us to detach from. Because the comfort zone many times can be confused with home. As this created certain stability for so long, we got used to live and think in that way, even when this pattern ever didn’t us feels content. Although it was familiar, and helped us to shape the egos and the personality we have in the present. For this reason leaving this comfort zone can be extremely painful these days during the eclipse season, physically painful. Why the physically? Because the more we resist changing, the more it hurt. And it will manifest in the physical body as resistance to leave what was safe for us before. Even if the price of the 3D safety was living in a mental prison when we were conditioned by being and thinking like a person that in real we never were neither we are going to be. The 3D realm may play tricky games in the deepest of our subconsciousness these days, reviving old fears or giving us a shot of unexpected anxiety when we less expects it to happen.